Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A big thanks to Joe Landsman at DNLOmnimedia

I love Sinterklaas, so I offered to set-up the website. But I can't take full credit. If it were not for Joe Landsman at DNLOmnimedia we could not have cool features like the chip in Widget amongst other goodies. He put up with us when we were trying to transfer domains, get passwords, paypal accounts, code, etc...

There's nothing like dealing with a professional organization with knowledgeable and helpful people. DNLOmnimedia is just that. So if you need some web work, tell them Nadine sent you!

DNLOmnimedia is a New York based, full service web development and IT consulting company, offering a wide range of services from website design and search engine optimization to large scale content management systems and custom developed applications. They are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality, and most cost effective service possible.

For more info contact Carl Diesing or go to their website.

Thanks Joe!!!!

From the Facebook entry of one of our committee members prior to last night’s meeting

Looking forward to our Sinterklaas Fundraising Committee meeting this evening... or is it just an excuse for cocktails at sunset on the patio? Our hostess sure picked the absolutely perfect day!” And so it was: an evening full of wine, prosecco, munchies, and dedicated committee members.

We are on the move with our new Sinterklaas book (a must see and a must buy – details coming soon!) and conjuring up new ways to raise much-needed money...

Sinterfriends, you’ll see: the photos will transport you back to last year’s grand event... We need funds, funds, funds to do it again in 2009!

We need your support and your help. Check in with the website often, and be sure to sign up for our Sinterklaas newsletter! You can also join us on Facebook or Twitter.

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